Artists:Vanessa Barragão, Heather Beardsley, Hillary Waters Fayle, Amy Gross, Emily Jan, Alexandra Kehayoglou, Amanda McCavour, Caitlin Mccormack, Mulyana, Sui Park, Claire C. Taylor, Stephen Towns, Melissa Vandenberg Flora | Fauna | Fiber features contemporary textile works rooted in the representation and exploration of nature. This exhibition examines recent trends in contemporary art that challenge the stereotypical association of fibers, textiles and needlework with utilitarian applications or feminine pastimes. Revealing a rich diversity of approaches, techniques and content, the exhibition contains examples of fiber comingled with other media, such as photography. Works range from massive wall installations to jewel-like constructions inspired by the intricacies of the natural world. Informed by plants and animals as well as terrestrial and marine topography, the exhibited works also reference conservation and climate change.